Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Why's of Quitting WoW...

The first reason why I started blogging was because I stopped playing WoW. Since I don't have anything interesting to do with the free time I gained for quitting WoW, my guardian angel (cookie) forced...errr... suggested to spend my idle time on blogging.

Playing this game has slowly turned to something of a frustration to me instead of an enjoyment. So for this entry, here are reasons why you should quit WoW. No offense Blizz...

  • WoW is a game of wasted time. If you actually think about it, your actual playing time in WoW is about 30-40% of what you paid for. Why? Because 60% of the time you spend on log-in queues, maintenance days, rolling restarts and more importantly TRAVEL TIME. I'm not actually sure if maintenance days or restarts are reimbursed but even disregarding that, log-in queues and travel time can still account to 50% of your paid game time. Businesswise, Blizz ppl are geniuses. It is a "world" so of course travel is essential. But on the otherhand, I have wasted a lot (and I mean a LOT) just to get some deer antlers for a quest. Sheesh...

  • Security in WoW is TERRIBLE! I have been hacked 3 times in 2 years of playing the game. Hacked meaning I lost items, gold and practically speaking precious time because some smart-ass players got to my email. Well, sure I got exposed to viruses. So not entirely their fault. And I honestly cannot dedicate my PC for pure WoW gameplay so I'm sure to be infected with some viruses once in awhile. But I know millions of users are the same as me. I did what security bulletins suggested. I cleaned my PC, installed several anti-virus programs and firewall softwares. The only advisory I did not follow was to not access third party websites which in my opinion is absurd (by the way I never access gold seller websites and add-on sites) . The security bulletins from blizz ain't enough. Surely some other ways are implementable.

  • Support is lacking for some countries. There I was hacked and all. Still I didn't blame Blizz. So I decided to take some action on my own. By the third hacking incident, I was quite sure that security advisories were not enough to solve my problem. So I decided to purchase the well publicized Blizz authenticator. Wait for it.... this is not purchaseable in the country I'm at.

There are other minor issues also but I don't want to nag about those. These three are enough reason for me to call it quits. WoW can be really fun and addictive. For me it was a stress-reliever after work. I may play again in the future (maybe if I can order the authenticator) but, for now, Arthas would have to wait.

Oh and another thing, damn blizz for nerfing Locks!

1 comment:

BagofNips said...

cookie here... well, i must congratulate you on your second post! WoW rehab could be such a pain. but look, you're blogging now! it's a start. i'm proud of you.