I'm back and for this entry my comeback entry would be about mosquitoes. Yeah, those annoying species of insects that you wish are extinct. They would suck you dry and then leave you with itchy blotches on your skin. Those pesky things that don't let you sleep during hot summer days.
But do not despair. Some scientists who, like us, hates these creatures have conducted studies on how to discourage mosquitoes from biting. And one of their findings was that stressed people don't get bitten as often as relaxed people. Interesting, right? It turns out that the body chemicals released by stressed people makes mosquitoes "think" that they are diseased or sick and "not a good quality blood meal." And who would want to suck the blood of sick people? Not Ms. Mosquito...
So that's why there are mobs of mosquitoes in Pinas. Pinoys are one of the most relaxed race in the world and no amount of problems can stress us enough. I lol'd at the idea...